Inuit represent 10% of Indigenous people in Montreal, but account for 43% of homeless Montrealers who are Indigenous. Circumstances including residential schools, the 60’s scoop and forcing Inuit into settlements have led to generational trauma and barriers in our society. But colonialism isn’t a relic of the past, as Inuit in Inuit Nunangat (the four Inuit land claim regions) experience food insecurity, high food prices, inhumane living conditions and more. In this episode of Local 514, we’ll be looking into how past and present day colonialism has led to barriers in Inuit seeking the same living opportunities and conditions of others in Montreal and the rest of Canada.
Local 514 reached out to the Southern Quebec Inuit Association, Makkovik (Labrador), Makivik (Quebec), The Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Montreal Indigenous Community Network, the Native Friendship Center, and the Inuuqatigiit Center but was not granted an interview before the publication of this report.