Grassroots Coverage
Immigrant Exploitation in Montreal: Part 1

Engineers, teachers, and scientists, forced to work in dangerous factories for very little pay and with no health coverage. Why? Because they are immigrants. In Part 1 of this series by AbdelAli Essaouis, we hear from workers in Montreal and the exploitation they have faced by their employers and the government. In collaboration with the …
Occupy Concordia

In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Maple Spring, students occupied the Hall building at Concordia University for three days last week. The students organized workshops, screenprinting sessions, and an AGM to discuss Concordia’s commitment to divest, the administration’s handling of COVID, tuition rates, and other items. Video by Emanuele Barbier
March Against Police Brutality

On March 15th, 2022, the Collectif Opposé à la Brutalité Policière (COBP) held a March to denounce police brutality in Montreal. The organizers linked this to greater systems of oppression, such as colonialism and racism, which leave Indigenous people at greater risk of experiencing violence at the hands of police. Video by David Earles and …
Legalizing Sex Work

On March 3rd, the Comité Autonome du Travail du Sexe hosted a mobilization to demand the legalization of sex work. Demonstrators were demanding the repeal of the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act which has a harmful impact on the living conditions of sex workers. Video by Emanuele Barbier
Vigil for an Unnamed Migrant

On February 13th, 2022, a vigil was held outside the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) to commemorate the life of an unnamed migrant who died in custody at a migrant detention facility in Laval, Quebec. Detainees have been sounding the alarm for years regarding the poor conditions within this facility. The CBSA has refused to …
How to Film a Demonstration

If you want to create video coverage of transformative social movements and aren’t sure where to start, tune into our new explainer video, “How to Film a Demonstration”. In this video, Emanuele Barbier and Caitlin Yardley take us through necessary gear, getting the perfect shot, & capturing seamless audio while on the go at a …
Les Basques autrement

Les Basques autrement is a documentary project that brings together the people, the environment and the historical specificities of the Les Basques region. It shows a growing community that finds creative solutions to contemporary problems and that wishes to live a life closer to its members’ values of self-sufficiency, self-governance and grassroots organizing. Video by …
Trans Rights in Quebec

For nearly a decade, the trans community in Quebec has been fighting a court case to demand their equal rights be respected by law in this province. On January 29th, 2021, the Superior Court of Quebec made a landmark ruling regarding various rights of transgender, non-binary and intersex people which stated that six provisions …
Press Conference on Bill 2
Do you have questions about Bill 2? Are you curious how you can fight back against the MOST transphobic bill in Canadian history? On October 26th, 2021, CUTV hosted a press conference with Celeste Trianon, trans rights advocate at the Centre for Gender Advocacy, to answer your questions. Thank you to filmmaker Jadis Dumas for …