At a time where facebook and instagram have started blocking Canadian news outlets from their platforms, it is clear that we need accurate journalism that is critical of and resistant towards corporate monopolization and greed now more than ever. Existing outside of corporate interests, independent and grassroots journalism has the greatest potential to speak truth to power, and to amplify stories that may otherwise be ignored or misrepresented.
Join CUTV staff Savanna Craig, Aude Simon, Dru Oja Jay, and other distinguished journalists for a day long workshop and training session on grassroots video journalism on Saturday, September 23rd from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm at the CSU lounge, Hall building 7th floor.
Activism needs to be documented. Through stories, through video, and through media coverage. Without adequate and representative media coverage, social movements risk falling under the radar and stagnating. With adequate and accurate media coverage, social movements have greater potential to transform the world we live in. Dru, Savanna and Aude will be drawing from their lived experiences as independent journalists to offer insight and practical advice on what grassroots journalism is, why it matters, and how to practice it.
Whether you are a journalist, activist, filmmaker or someone aspiring to be one of these things, all interested participants are welcome!